Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

010/2015: Co-location and partnership working opportunity with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in Ripon – 23 September 2015

Executive Summary and Recommendation:

The Commissioner is asked to take a decision to approve the re-location and co-location of officers and staff from North Yorkshire Police (NYP) Ripon and Boroughbridge police stations with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority (NYFRA) in a new purpose built facility on the existing NYFRA site at Stonebridgegate, Ripon and the subsequent disposal of the current Boroughbridge police station.

The information within this paper demonstrates an opportunity to work closely with the Fire and Rescue Service from a collocated facility in Ripon.  This will provide up to date premises and reduce the overall running cost of the estate.

This paper provides the Executive Board with information and costs to re-locate and co-locate officers and staff located at Ripon and Boroughbridge police stations, at a site currently owned and occupied by NYF&RS on Stonebridgegate, Ripon (current and proposed site map locations appendix 1).  The proposal is that the current NYFRA building will be demolished and a new purpose built facility will be constructed to allow both organisations to co-locate and during that period both organisations would be located on another part of that site in temporary accommodation (site plan Appendix 2).

This Decision Notice is integral to Phase One of the Estates Strategy, and is a follow up to the Estates Strategy Decision Notice approved by the Commissioner on 17 June 2015 (Decision Notice 007/2015).  In the Estate Strategy Decision Notice it was approved that additional Decision Notices for proposals in Phase One not already approved would be brought to the Executive Board for approval.

This will also support the close partnership and collaboration working between the two organisations and the current strategic direction of the NYP Estate.  NYP has an Estates Strategy that seeks to ensure that the Estate is managed as a corporate asset.  It ensures that the Estate is proactively managed and maintained, that statutory responsibilities are met and that space is utilised based on requirements for the specific function.  This in turn ensures our people have the accommodation they need, that teams are not ‘over accommodated’, supports estates rationalisation and Agile working thus supporting a sustainable NYP.

NYP and the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire require an Estate, which is responsive to both current and future needs and so will effectively support service delivery and reduce future expenditure. Co-location with other public sector bodies supports the organisational work stream around Partnerships and Collaboration and the joining up of public sector organisations to secure savings/efficiencies through collaboration.  This in turn supports the government’s drive towards better managed public sector assets.  Co-location means that property space utilisation is maximised and therefore the estate rationalised and the resulting savings invested in delivering front line services.  The proposal will deliver savings for both NYP and NYFRA in respect of the cost of utilities, management and on-going maintenance.

The existing Ripon police station was identified as a disposal opportunity in the Estates Strategy and is sold subject to planning permission.  Contracts have been exchanged and the developer has submitted planning permission.  Once planning approval has been granted, which is expected during September 2015, NYP will have 12 months to vacate the site.  Decision Notice 051/2013 refers.

This proposal is expected to realise significant capital and revenue savings for NYP, after taking off the Capital required for the co-location and associated fees and charges, as detailed in Part 2 of this decision notice which is restricted due to being deemed commercially sensitive and for the information of the Commissioner.

In addition there is a further proposal to base 5 Boroughbridge Safer Neighbourhood Patrol Officers at the new Ripon facilities once the building works have been completed.  Boroughbridge police station has previously been identified as a disposal opportunity (Decision Notice 007/2015 refers) due to being under-utilised yet incurring excessive running and ongoing maintenance costs.  The current running costs for Boroughbridge and Ripon significantly exceed the anticipated running costs of the new facility and will contribute to annual savings (detailed in Part 2 of this decision notice which is restricted due to being deemed commercially sensitive and for the information of the Commissioner).  Subsequently Boroughbridge police station will be disposed of following the completion of the new Ripon site.  In addition this proposal for Boroughbridge also aligns with the introduction of mobile technology.  This will allow frontline officers to operate whilst on patrol rather than returning to a police station to access computer facilities.

The current costs of running Ripon and Boroughbridge against the estimated costs of running the new facility are estimated to produce a total saving of £3,716,000 over 30 year lease term.


  1. It is recommended that the Commissioner gives approval to re-locate/co-locate the current Ripon and Boroughbridge police stations with NYFRA at the current NYFRA facility on Stonebridge gate, Ripon.
  2. That this in turn would be subject to appropriate staff consultation and engagement;
  3. That approval is given to enter into a contractual lease agreement for a long term lease under a joint Heads of Terms agreement (to be developed and agreed);
  4. It is also recommended that the Commissioner gives approval to progress the disposal of the current Boroughbridge police station, following the completion and re-location of staff at the new Ripon site

Police and Crime Commissioner decision: Approved

Signature: signature
Date: 23 September 2015
Title: Police and Crime Commissioner


Part 1

Unrestricted facts and advice to the PCC

1. Introduction and background

Ripon Police Station is currently sold subject to planning permission. As a result NYP Estates have been actively seeking suitable alternative accommodation.  The sale is subject to planning permission, which the developer is expected to have during September 2015.  The search for new premises started in the summer of 2014 with an extensive search of all commercial premises in the city of Ripon and the nearby surrounding areas, however this search did not realise any suitable accommodation.  NYP recently entered into dialogue with NYFRA regarding having a shared facility at Ripon fire station located on Stonebridgegate.  The location of the fire station provides good access to both the centre of the city, the bypass and the arterial roads leading to the A1 and Harrogate.

Following meetings and discussions with NYFRA detailed drawings/floor layouts and several cost options were produced and considered to co-locate in the current NYFRA building on the site. However it soon became apparent that this would not be a cost effective option for either organisation due to the age of the building and the level of investment required.  Therefore on this basis a new proposal to demolish the old facility and re-provide with a joint purpose built facility was progressed.

The site of the fire station is just short of one acre and there are four buildings on the site.  There is the main station (which provides welfare facilities, office space and the garage for three appliances); a large detached garage; a smoke house; and a porta-cabin.  The smoke house which was once used for training is now not fit for purpose and the porta-cabin is dilapidated.  The only option available for these two buildings is also to demolish due to the high costs of repair.

NYP is seeking to occupy 277m² which will be approximately 34% of the new build.   NYFRA are seeking to occupy 543.22m² which will be approximately 66% of the new build.  There will be 182.32m² shared space which will consist of a locker room, WC’s, meeting space, mess and kitchen areas.

As NYP is anticipated to need to vacate and hand over the current property by the end of September 2016 and NYFRA will require alternative accommodation while the build is taking place, plans have been drawn up to allow for temporary accommodation for both organisations on the current NYFRA site.  NYP will require this from June 2016.

It is proposed that NYP will fund a proportion of the capital element of the new facility and become co-owners of the building and NYP will share service & maintenance charges, however NYFRA would retain ownership of the land. Again this would be detailed in the Heads of Terms agreement and subject to agreement with NYFRA.


  • The proposal demonstrates joint working with NYFRA and may facilitate further joint working and mutual benefits
  • It is also envisaged over the course of time this co-location will provide efficiency gains both cashable and non-cashable for both organisations
  • Through a flexible and agile working environment this will also provide a better workplace for staff
  • Co-locating with the NYFRA will reduce capital revenue costs for both organisations and allows closer working relationships with a key partner
  • The current running costs for Boroughbridge and Ripon significantly exceed the anticipated running costs of the new joint facility and will contribute to annual savings (detailed in Part 2 of this decision notice which is restricted due to being deemed commercially sensitive and for the information of the Commissioner)
  • The introduction of mobile technology, to allow Boroughbridge frontline officers to operate whilst on patrol rather than returning to a police station to access computer facilities
  • Alongside the effective use of mobile data the location will allow the effective deployment of neighbourhood officers in to Ripon and Boroughbridge, with the potential of this being further enhanced following the Business Administration Service Review and 101 Review
  • A hot spot analysis of both Immediate and Priority Grade incidents over the last 12 months following the introduction of THRIVE in to the force has shown that Ripon is the appropriate location for NYP to locate an operational base in that locality
  • Operational service delivery will be maintained throughout the transition and this proposal will support the provision of policing services to the community with a collocated partner

2. Other Options Considered

As NYP wish to retain a policing presence in Ripon alternative sites have been explored in the area, however no other suitable accommodation was found.  Alternative partnership opportunities with the council have also been explored but the available premises would not lend themselves to NYPs operational requirements.

3. Contribution to Police and Crime Plan Priorities

The recommendations in this Decision Notice are offered on the basis that they will fully support the Police and Crime Plan priorities as follows:

  • Transforming the Organisation – Improving Efficiency & Productivity
  • Partnerships & Commissioning – Valuable Partnership Working
  • People First
  • Affordability – Business Planning

4. Implementation and Resourcing Implications


Approximate timescales are as follows but are dependent on the decision making process of NYP and NYFRA.

Install temporary accommodation and NYFRA to Occupy – Spring 2016

Phased rollout of mobile technology commences – June 2016

NYP to occupy temporary accommodation – Summer 2016

NYP to vacate the current Ripon police station site – September 2016

Ripon SNT and NYFRA to move into the new build – Summer 2017

Boroughbridge SNT to move into the new build – Summer 2017


The current costs of running Ripon & Boroughbridge against the estimated costs of running the new facility, over the 30 year proposed lease term and per annum, are estimated as follows:

Total capital & revenue costs over 30 year lease term
Ripon current costs £4,241,640
Boroughbridge current costs £1,400,580
New Joint facility estimated costs £1,925,685
Total Saving £3,716,535
Average saving per annum £124,000

The budgeted costs for this project are included in part 2 of this decision notice as they are commercially sensitive.

There will be on-going service charges which are also in part 2 of this decision notice as they are also commercially sensitive.  These will be subject to further scrutiny before being finalised in the Heads of Terms agreement.

5. Consultations Carried Out

The below table should include who has been consulted and their feedback.  Not all departments will need to be consulted with on every proposal, however, they should all be considered:


Name (Collar Number) Department Comments
Will Naylor Office of the PCC Yes
Jane Palmer Financial Services No
Lisa Winward Local Policing No
Lisa Winward Beyond Local Policing No
Rosie Holmes Human Resources Yes
Jane Wintermeyer Joint Corporate Legal Services Yes
Louise Wood Corporate Communications No
Jonathan Garrett Property and Facilities No
Sudeep Chatterjee Information Communications Technology No
Bob Brigginshaw Transport No
Sally Lynch Joint Corporate Commissioning and Partnership Services No
Nicola Johnson Procurement No
Maria Earles Organisation and Development Yes
Sarah Wintringham Information Management No

6. Compliance Checks

Financial Implications/Value for money:

The proposals to relocate the services provided from Ripon and Boroughbridge which in total provide over 1000m2 of space within the NYP Estate, to a joint facility with the Fire and Rescue Service needing only 277m2 of space, will deliver significant financial savings for NYP.

Reducing the estates footprint by these amounts is expected to generate savings of around £55k per annum in relation to the buildings running costs. In addition to this, combining 2 NYP buildings into one joint facility will reduce the IT network costs by circa £21k per annum. Finally the newer, smaller building in expected to see lower capital maintenance costs than the current buildings of around £44k per annum on average.

In total the savings of around £120k per annum equate to a savings of around 75% versus the current running costs and therefore provide excellent value for money.

From a Capital Investment perspective, the sale of Ripon and Boroughbridge are expected to generate more funds than the contribution that NYP is expected to need to make to the buildings of the Joint Facility.

Overall the PCC CFO believes the proposals set out within this Decision Note, if fully delivered, will provide excellent value for money and should generate significant savings.       

Legal Implications:

Having read this report and having considered such information as has been provided at the time of being asked to express this view, the Acting Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services is satisfied that this report does not ask the PCC for North Yorkshire to make a decision which would (or would be likely to) give rise to a contravention of the law.

Necessary conveyancing and legal work to arrange the long term lease will be overseen by Joint Corporate Legal Services.

Human Resources Implications:

This decision notice outlines a proposal which will, if implemented have an effect on the workforce currently employed at the Ripon site.  Full consultation with staff and a continuation of discussions with their representing bodies will be required as plans reach an appropriate stage to ensure that all decisions and their resultant activities are implemented with the appropriate consideration of any staff concerns.

This will apply to both the longer term new build and collaborative working with Fire Service staff and also the move into temporary accommodation for approximately 12 months from summer 2016 to summer

Public Access to information:

As a general principle, the Commissioner expects to be able to publish all decisions taken and all matters taken into account when reaching the decision.  This Notice will detail all information which the Commissioner will disclose into the public domain.  The decision and information will be made available on the Commissioner’s website.

Only where material is properly classified as Restricted under the Government Protective Marking Scheme or if that material falls within the description at 2(2) of The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 will the Commissioner not disclose decisions and/or information provided to enable that decision to be made.  In these instances, Part 2 will be used to detail those matters considered to be restricted.  Information in Part 2 will not be published.

All decisions taken by the Commissioner will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

Part 2

Is there a Part 2 to this Notice – YES

If Yes, what is the reason for restriction:

The Chief Constable is of the opinion that the information included in part 2 falls under Section 2(2) of The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011

The information included in Part 2 is properly classified as Restricted due to being commercially sensitive

Report Information


Author(s): Richard Flint, Head of Estates, Logistics and Technology

Head of Department: Richard Flint, Head of Estates, Logistics and Technology

Executive Group Sponsor(s): Joanna Carter, Chief Executive Officer

Date created: 19th August 2015


Background documents:

Appendix 1 – Current and proposed site map location

Appendix 2 – Site plan showing temporary accommodation

I confirm that all the above advice has been sought and received against this and any associated Part 2 information and I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted for a decisionSignature:     Richard Flint                                                                                                 Date: 19th August 2015 
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