15 March 2016 – 1084.2015-16 – Freedom of information requests – Services for victims of stalking
- In the financial years 2013-2014, 2014-15 and 2015 – present, how many grants were awarded in which at least one of the outputs/outcomes was to provide services to victims of stalking? This could be any service to help victims e.g. counselling, information and advice, casework however the outcome must have specifically referred to working with victims of stalking.
- How many of these grants were towards work which was open to victims of stalking who were not being targeted by an ex-partner?
- What was the total monetary value of these grants?
- Which organisations were they awarded
- How many of these grants were towards work which was open to victims of stalking who were not being targeted by an ex-partner?
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- In the financial years 2013-2014, 2014-15 and 2015 – present, how many grants were awarded in which at least one of the outputs/outcomes was to provide services to victims of stalking? This could be any service to help victims e.g. counselling, information and advice, casework however the outcome must have specifically referred to working with victims of stalking.
Please note that the below relate to contracts rather than grants.
2013/14 + Quarters 1 & 2 (April to September) 2014/15:
Independent Domestic Violence Advisor/Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (IDVA / ISVA) service for all High Risk Victims of Domestics Abuse and / Sexual Violence, provided practical and emotional support to victims of domestic and sexual abuse / violence including victims of stalking.
Quarters 3 & 4 (October 2014 – March 2015) 2014/15 + 2015/16:
Enhanced IDVA / ISVA service for all High and Medium Risk Victims of Domestic Abuse and / or all Victims of Sexual Violence, co-commissioned with North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council. This service provides practical and emotional support to victims of domestic and sexual abuse / violence including victims of stalking. One of the specific service Safety Outcomes measured is levels of Harassment and Stalking Behaviours.
The Independent Victim Adviser (IVA) service provide practical and emotional support (including counselling and talking therapies services) to all Enhanced Entitlement Victims.
Victims of stalking, whether by an ex-partner or stranger would certainly fall within the Enhanced Entitlement categories as per the Ministry of Justice’s Code of Practice for Victims of Crime, which include:
- Victims of the most serious crime, notably domestic violence and sexual offences;
- Persistently targeted victims;
- Vulnerable victims, notably victims under 18 years of age at the time of the offence, and / or where the quality of evidence is likely to be affected because of a mental disorder within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983, other significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning, or a physical disability or are suffering from a physical disorder; and
- Intimidated victims if the quality of evidence will be affected because of fear or distress about testifying in court.
From April 2015 to March 2016, the Supporting Victims and Community Outreach services provided Victim Support. The telephone based Supporting Victims service is delivered by trained and experienced staff, who assess victim’s needs by asking individuals questions to determine the impact of the crime. The service offers:
- Immediate practical and emotional support over the telephone
- Referral to support staff based in their community to provide ongoing face to face support through a personalised plan
- Onward referrals to other local agencies can also be made as appropriate
- If a specific need is identified Supporting Victims can refer individuals to one of our specialist commissioned support services
From April 2016 however these services are to be restructured. Firstly, the telephone based Supporting Victims in North Yorkshire service will be taken ‘in house’ by the Police and Crime Commissioner and North Yorkshire Police and no longer be provided by Victim Support. The second element of the changes relates to services to victims in the community, which will be enhanced. It has been agreed that Victim Support will combine its community-based outreach services with the ‘Independent Victim Advisor’ (IVA) service that they also currently provide on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The IVA service is proving extremely valuable to victims and the change will enhance its capacity and capabilities, demonstrating confidence in Victim Support and their services to North Yorkshire’s victims.
- How many of these grants were towards work which was open to victims of stalking who were not being targeted by an ex-partner?
All of those listed above; we do not differentiate between victims of stranger stalking or ex-partners. - What was the total monetary value of these grants?
2013/14 + Quarters 1 & 2 (April to September) 2014/15:
IDVA / ISVA service = £188,250
Quarters 3 & 4 (October 2014 – March 2015) 2014/15 + 2015/16:
Enhanced IDVA / ISVA service = £450,000
IVA service = £202,000
Counselling / Talking Therapies services Maximum amount available = £249,900, on a call-off basis of £350 payment per Engaged Client.
Supporting Victims 2015/16 = £232, 225
2013/14 + Quarters 1 & 2 (April to September) 2014/15:
IDVA / ISVA service delivered by:
- Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS); and
- Victim Support – subcontracted to IDAS.
Quarters 3 & 4 (October 2014 – March 2015) 2014/15 + 2015/16:
Enhanced IDVA / ISVA service delivered by Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS).
IVA service delivered by Victim Support.
Counselling / Talking Therapies services are delivered on a Call-Off basis by the following four providers:
- Aegis Counselling Service CIC – all Districts
- Community Counselling (North Yorkshire) Ltd – Scarborough & Ryedale Districts only
- St. Michael’s Hospice: Talking Spaces – Harrogate District only
- Victim Support – all Districts.
Supporting Victims telephone based team provided by Victim Support (2015/16) but to be brought in house 2016/17
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