21 June 2017 – 0188.2017-18 – Chief Executive, OPCC staff and exit payments
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with full answers to each of the following questions, which update questions asked a year ago:
1. How much is your Chief Executive paid?
2. When did they start work in the OPCC?
3. What payment was made to the previous Chief Executive when they left?
4. How many OPCC staff have been made redundant, dismissed or taken voluntary exit or early retirement since April 2016?
5. What is the total amount given to them in voluntary exit payments, redundancy pay, severance payments, lump sums, payments in lieu of notice, compensation awards and pension payments?
6. What was the single highest payment?
Extent and Result of Searches to Locate Information
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire (OPCC).
I can confirm that the information you have requested is held by the OPCC.
I have today decided to disclose the located information to you.
1 & 2) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Joanna Carter commenced her role within the OPCC on 01 May 2013 and is still presently employed in that role. Joanna Carter’s salary can be found published here;
There have been two interim CEO’s since 01 May 2013.
Simon Dennis acted as interim CEO as part of a collaboration agreement with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland covering the period of 01 April 2016 and 31 July 2016. Simon Dennis was appointed on a 0.2 FTE basis. Further details on the arrangement and his salary are detailed in the hyperlinks below;
Fraser Sampson has acted as interim CEO under a whole time secondment from the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire with effect from 01 August 2016. Fraser Sampson was appointed on a 0.9 FTE basis, and that as such he does not cost the OPCC more than its substantive post. Further details on the arrangement and his salary are detailed in the hyperlinks below;
3) A payment of £42,000 was paid to the previous substantive Chief Executive Officer when he left in 2013. This was part of a restructuring of the senior management team which resulted in savings of £868,000 over the first three years and thereafter £387,000 per year which is detailed in the following decision notice under ‘The costs and savings’;
4) There has been no (0) OPCC staff made redundant, dismissed or taken voluntary exit or early retirement since April 2016 to 23 May 2017.
5 & 6) Not applicable, please see answer to question 4.
Please note that systems used for recording information are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the data. It should be noted therefore that this force’s response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other responses you may receive.