Executive Board Minutes 25 March 2014
Minutes of the meeting held in the Board Room, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske at 10:20am on Tuesday 25 March 2014.
In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM).
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Lisa Winward (LW).
Minute taker: Commissioner’s Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).
Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).
JC provided several amendments to the minutes. Subject to these the minutes of the Executive Board held on 17 March 2014 were approved as a true record for publication.
The following updates were also provided:
- JP confirmed that in relation to minute 365(5) Athena House, a financial comment had been provided and inserted into the Executive Summary of the Decision Notice prior to its publication.
- TM asked that Executive Board Members provide feedback on the ‘Development of and transition to an outcomes based performance framework’ Decision Notice which was circulated on 20 and 24 March 2014 as a matter of urgency. The Decision notice recommends the adoption of a set of community outcomes underpinned by a set organisational themed outputs (Phase One) for 2014/15.
- In relation to minute 367(2.c) Safety Camera Vans, which is re-scheduled for 06 May 2014, DJ requested if this could be brought forward. TM and JM also agreed that they need to have a separate 1-1 discussion regarding 95Alive.
ACTION: Board Members to provide feedback to the Procurement Service Delivery Advisor (M Earles);
ACTION: Decision Notice to be re-scheduled for 01 April 2014 Executive Board.
ACTION: Safety Camera Van Operations/Criminal Justice Traffic Processing (Decision Notice) to be brought forward from 06 May 2014 (Lead CA);
ACTION: 1-1 meeting to be schedule for TM and JM to discuss 95Alive on 10 April 2014 (Lead CA).
- Stage II Transfers Regulatory Instruments and Policy Ratification (Decision Notice 099/2014): This paper provides a summary of the changes made to the agreed priority policies and procedures as a result of the Stage 2 Transfer process. The Board thoroughly discussed the Joint Corporate Scheme of Delegation and Consent and the Financial Regulations, which require approval for implementation by 01 April 2014. The Board agreed to several amendments which SD will re-work and re-circulate to Board Members, to be approved by 01 April 2014.
The Board also discussed and agreed (subject to the re-working of the Decision Notice) to the adoption of the Financial Regulations, Contract Regulations, Property Procedure Rules and Chief Finance Officer Protocol.
The Board briefly discussed and agreed to adjourn the consideration and adoption of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Commissioner and Chief Constable; Monitoring Officer Protocol; PCC Records Management Policy; and Priority Changes to Policies and Procedures and Collective Agreement to a future meeting of the Executive Board, in order to allow thorough and full discussion of these documents. These documents do not need be constitutionally approved before 01 April 2014.
- Exhibits on Niche (Decision Notice 098/2014): This report seeks agreement to the roll out the use of Niche RMS to record and manage exhibits across North Yorkshire Police. JP provided assurances that checks had been undertaken for the capital expenditure. SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed prior to the meeting.
- Incident Command Unit Garage (Report for a Decision): This report seeks approval for funding from the existing Estates Capital Rolling Programme to finance the conversion of an existing building into a dedicated garage for the Forces new Incident Command Unit Vehicle.
- Approval of responses to the External Auditors Management Processes and Arrangements enquiries (report for a decision): This report seeks approval for the responses to the External Auditors Management Processes and Arrangements enquiries.
- HMIC Inspection reporting timeline and the Commissioners responsibility to respond to HMIC reports (Report for Decision): This report provides an outline of the HMIC inspection activity, reporting timelines and timescales for press and Commissioner responses to such reports. The Board discussed a number of issues, most notably:
- JM requesting to reserve the right to respond to any reports;
- The opportunity for consultations within the timeline prior to reports being published;
- Individuals to report on hot-de-briefs to the Board at the earliest opportunity;
- The implications of HMIC not inspecting Commissioner / Police support staff;
- Reporting to the Joint Corporate Risk Group and the Corporate Performance and Scrutiny Group;
- Letters to be clearly drafted in regard to whom they are from;
- Decisions made by the Chief Executive Officer, the Heads of Function, the Chief Finance Officers and Force Solicitor using delegated authority (report for a decision): JM had one query regarding a decision for a possible Community Fund application, in which case why were other Community Fund applications not included? JC advised that she understood this to be income rather than a payment to a Community Fund Project but would check and provide a response to JM.
AGREED: SD to re-work the Decision Notice, and make amendments to the Joint Corporate Scheme of Delegation and Consent and the Financial Regulations as discussed.
AGREED: SD to resubmit the reworked Decision Notice and amended Joint Corporate Scheme of Delegation and Consent and the Financial Regulations directly to Board Members for approval before 01 April 2014.
AGREED: The Contract Regulations; Property Procedure Rules (subject to formatting); and Chief Finance Officer Protocol are endorsed for adoption;
AGREED: That the Memorandum of Understanding between the Commissioner and Chief Constable; Monitoring Officer Protocol; PCC Records Management Policy; and Priority Changes to Policies and Procedures and Collective Agreement are deferred for consideration by Board Members. These will be submitted to the meeting of the Executive Board on 15 April 2014 (date to be confirmed (Lead SD/J Wintermeyer)).
RESOLVED: The proposal to roll out the use of Niche to record and manage exhibits was approved;
RESOLVED: The resource requirement and the capital expenditure associated with the project was approved.
RESOLVED: The report was approved for the operational benefits of the vehicle being stored inside.
RESOLVED: The responses were approved.
AGREED: Further work required regarding the wording of the report, in particular to include the caveat that the Commissioner will reserve the right to respond to any reports (Lead LW/GM);
AGREED: The Board asked that the report be amended to reflect the changes discussed and also to include clarity on the process for HMIC inspection activity going forward to be circulated to members and once agreed to be implemented by GM and LW.
ACTION: Queried decision to be checked and response provided to JM;
RESOLVED: The report was noted.
- Decision Making Forecast: The report was noted and the following updates agreed:
- The Police and Crime Plan research findings scheduled for 01 April 2014 will be an update rather than a presentation as all the findings have not been fully collated;
- As discussed under minute 376(c), the Safety Camera Van Operations/Criminal Justice Traffic Processing (Decision Notice) to be brought forward to April (date to be confirmed);
- As discussed under minute 376(b), the Development of and transition to an outcomes based performance framework (Decision Notice) is to be rescheduled for 01 April 2014.
Performance Update: TM provided an update on the recording of Sexual Offences, which despite some areas of concern are now in line with HMIC. The Board agreed to the removal of Appendix C for publication as this is still a work in progress. The Board also agreed to amend one of the table titles in Appendix C to ‘Terms and Conditions / Ways of Working’.
RESOLVED: The report was noted.
There were no items for discussion.
- APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
- Events: The report was noted.
The HMIC Valuing the Police 4 Inspection for NYP will commence on 14 April 2014. A briefing is scheduled for the Executive Board on 01 April 2014.
There were no items for discussion
Freedom of Information Act request 962.2013-14 was briefly discussed and legal advice provided.
SD advised of three Collaboration Agreements which require consideration and feedback by Executive Board Members as a matter of urgency prior to the Regional Collaboration Board on 27 March 2014. SD will be available to discuss any queries.
ACTION: SD to provide copies of the three Collaboration Agreements for Board members feedback to SD as soon as possible.
ACTION: Hard copies to be distributed to JM and DJ which require their signature prior to the Regional Collaboration Board on 27 March 2014.
JP provided JM with hard copies of pack updates for the following:
- HMIC Inspection Briefing pack;
- Budget Information pack.
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 9am on Tuesday 01 April 2014 in Conference Room Two, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske.
The meeting closed at 1:05pm.