Executive Board Minutes – 30 April 2019
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 30th April 2019
Location: Wensleydale Meeting Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton
Chair: Julia Mulligan
Name Role
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC)
Lisa Winward (LWi) Chief Constable (via telephone)
Andrew Brodie (AB) Interim Chief Fire Officer (CFiO)
Phil Cain (PC) Deputy Chief Constable
Will Naylor (WN) Deputy PFCC for North Yorkshire
Michael Porter (MP) PFCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer & Chief Accountant
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Denise Brown (ADB) Personal Assistant to Deputy Chief Fire Officer (Minutes)
Simon Dennis (SD) Interim Chief Exec
Sharon Caddell (SC) Temp Assistant CExec
Marie Earles (ME) Interim MD
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Jonathan Foster (JF) Interim Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Rena Brown (RB) Head of Commissioning & Partnerships (item 958 only)
Richard Jones (RJ) Chief Digital Information Officer & SRO Digital Policing Transformation
For agenda item 3e (Change Pipeline) only
Apologies: None received
Items and Decisions:
Discussion | Outcome / Decision | ||
956 | Minutes of Previous Meeting and Action Log | ||
956 (a)
956(b) 956(c) 956(d)
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th March 2019 were approved for publication.
Post meeting note: JP advised the minutes of 26th March 2019 did not include reference to the list of EG decisions that were ratified at EB on 26th March. JP advised the paper was on the EB agenda for 26th March (marked as “to follow”) and her recollection is that EB considered the list of EG decisions in respect of their T2020 programme and the decisions were ratified by EB.
Previous Any Other Business Items: · Tour de Yorkshire: Phil to send information to Julia. Starts this week. · Domestic Abuse: This should read Domestic Abuse Research. WN has prepared a first draft and will take to Exec Board. Stalking was separate matter. Rural research to be circulated outside Exec Board, it does not need to come back to this forum.
Agreed actions: · PC to forward Tour de Yorkshire information to JM. · WN to take Domestic Abuse Research to next Exec Board Meeting · WN to circulate Rural Research to Exec Board members (it does not need to come back to this meeting)
Action 956 (b) (c) & (d) was raised |
957 | Action Log Updates | ||
The full action log was reviewed, as follows:
928a, Budget Monitoring Report Further work required, MP to review. Action to remain open.
938a, Proposal of the Re-Provision of Pateley Bridge, Leyburn & Malton Premises Following discussion it was agreed this action can now be closed.
938d, Principle Risk Register PC would like time to discuss governance. There are risks in relation to the OPFCC and governance needs to be discussed to understand where risks sit. Agreed that PC and SD to discuss this matter outside of this meeting. There are also risks in ENABLE that may be joint risks. Agreed that a joint discussion was required. PC to then merge risks in to one and bring back to EB for further discussion.
938e, Corporate Health Pack ME confirmed this continues to be a work in progress. Matter will be progressed outside this meeting and ME will bring back to EB.
948a, Complaints Business Case Financial information now included within budget. Parts of the report still require updating, but WN confirmed everything is currently in hand. JM requires dates for when this can be finalised as it has an impact of some OPFCC employees. Agreed that a draft communication will be with the OPFCC by Friday 3rd May. Further agreed that SD would meet with all relevant stakeholders and agree a plan.
948b, T2020 – Formal Decisions and Governance ENABLE decision notice has been drafted but cannot yet be signed. Charlie French has shared a list of the T2020 decisions.
948c, NEP Outline Business Case This has been referred to the Change Board. Additional work required on the finance element and matter to then be brought back to EM members but outside of the normal EB, with recommendations. Agreed this matter can be closed from this action list.
948d, Code of Corporate Governance This has now been re-written by MP in relation to Stage 2 transfer. MP to circulate to EB Members.
948e, 2019/2020 Medium Term Financial Plan – Police and 948f, 2019/2020 Medium Term Financial Plan – Fire JP advised there is a Pension meeting this afternoon. MP reported there is a pension issue with FRS. MP following this matter up. He has had confirmation of additional grant that will resource some of the issue.
964, Decisions and Delegated Matters to Note This action relates to being updated with future items, list to be updated by all – see item 950 below.
958 (a)
T2020 – presentation by Rena Brown
RB shared her presentation with the Group.
Risks have been worked through to ensure the PwC suggested savings can be made. Operational risk, a process for engagement on operational side has been put forward.
Discussion took place regarding pension costs and the cap on payments. A paper went to Exec Group regarding this.
Consultation period has now closed. 1st May acceptance and redeployment letters are being sent out A selection process will be required for some posts. NYP have until the end of the notice period to find suitable employment for staff, i.e. three months, however it is hoped this will be done by the end-May. HR process has been very thorough. HR have highlighted where people are not a perfect match. At the start of the process there were 117 staff placed at risk with the possibility of 57 redundancies. These figures may have changed. JM would like to have a sense and of scale and impact. JW advised HR are preparing the letters and after that time she will ask HR to provide figures.
Third party spend – this is a big area of focus at the moment. There is a risk with some of the savings. Not revising forecast savings at this time. There are benefits for regional procurement, would like to include NYFRS with this. Building a pipeline of contracts over several years so opportunities can be understood/visible. Working with regional procurement looking at all procurement not just business as usual. DISG some matters unclear and asking for clarity from PwC. RB is moving this forward with PwC.
RB advised PwC had not costed VR into figures. She is uncomfortable with the in-year savings.
Savings 2019/20 financial year savings are high risk but we are looking at high level of savings for next year.
JM would like to have a re-profiling of the savings and when they are expected to land. In terms of financial planning going forward, there are potential issues, however RB will look at profiling between the years. RB confirmed PwC have been asked to look at alternative savings.
Milestones: Phase 1 consultation closes 1st May with exit in July. RB would like to move Phase 2 forward, currently opens October, closes December with exit in March 2020.
Communication: T2020 communication to wider business has been to show what we are trying to achieve and why. Now need to start talking to teams in more detail. This is an opportunity to share and get people to understand what we are trying to achieve with all the changes.
PC advised he has operational resource that can assist with the communications. Heads of Functions are engaged, need lower levels to be on board. LW advised there is a plan, PC has operational resources lined up to assistant and there will be key messages sent to all.
It was agreed that RB would bring an overview of the implementation/ communications back to Exec Board in May.
T2020 Compensation on Cap: NYP have received a Home Office consultation, which closes on 3rd July regarding a cap on pensions. This could have a potential issue with a number of staff who have been granted VR in that they would not be able to access their pensions upon leaving and would have to wait until retirement age.
The pension cap is already law, the consultation is regarding the date it will come in to force.
Letters to the staff potentially affected by this will not be sent out on 1st May as originally planned.
Agreed that JM, SD and MP to meet outside this meeting to look at impact should individuals choose to stay within the organisation rather than taking VR. JP to forward to SD the latest version of the VR Scheme document. SD would also like a copy of the consultation document, JW to provide.
Decisions ratification: It was previous agreed that: SD to make T2020 decisions on behalf of the PFCC LW to make T2020 decisions on behalf of NYP AB to make T2020 decisions on behalf of NYFRS.
RB advised that when proofed financials went out to ballot, the wrong figures were quoted.
RB also advised that the PwC proposal to reduce the numbers of customer admin managers from 4 to 3 was rejected due to strong opposition. PwC had failed to take into account the geography of the area. This demonstrates we have listened to people and a good message we need to get back.
AB advised he has not communicated that NYFRS district administrators were going to be removed but that it was stopped due to the impact this could have on those who are exiting the business.
There has been strong feedback from Estates & Transport regarding the removal of the stores supervision role and merging the role into one to cover both NYP and NYFRS. The main concern is around engaging with IT systems. It has been agreed that a temporary admin support role will be put in to support the integration of the role with NYP and NYFRS, this will be at an additional costs. The temporary admin role will only be for the duration until such time that IT systems are integrated.
Agreed actions:
· Consultation Process: JW / RB to provide JM with a sense and of scale and impact of redundancies / redeployments. · Savings: RB to look at re-profiling savings and to show in which year they are expected to land. · Implementation/Communication: RB to bring an overview to May Exec Board · JM, SD and MP to meet urgently to discuss pension cap issue and implications should affected staff choose not to take VR. · JP to forward latest VR Scheme Document to SD · JW to forward copy of the Home Office consultation document to SD · Communicate that during consultation we have listened to what staff want and have not taken onboard all of PwC’s savings suggestions
New Actions raised 958(b)
958(f) 958(g)
958(g) 958(g) 958(I) |
Strategic Commercial Board Terms of Reference
This document had been agreed by the Strategic Commercial Board and was brought to Exec Board for sign off.
Board Members is very Police heavy with only two representatives from NYFRS. MD for ENABLE should also be included on the Board. Quorum should include members from both NYP and NYFRS.
Concern raised regarding the wording of the Terms of Reference. Unrealistic for the Board to review and challenge all procurement spend over £10k. JP agreed to review the wording of the Terms of Reference and to show the purpose is to get an oversight, rather than review and challenge over £10k. It was agreed the third bullet point in the purpose, “Oversee the pipeline of procurements against resources available (i.e. decide on prioritisation)” is key.
Under “Responsibilities”, final bullet “Oversee the achievement of the Transform 2020 Third Party Spend Business Case”, the Group agreed this should not just be about T2020.
Agreed actions: · JP to review wording of the document and to circulate to Exec Board Members once it has been discussed further with the Strategic Commercial Board; · Decision required as to whether the OPFCC are to be included in this document; · Discussion required regarding membership of the Strategic Commercial Board as very Police centric. JP to review attendees to reflect a fair balance of both NYP and NYFRS · Need to understand the remit of the Board and crossover of both organisations.
Action 959 raised |
Change Board Terms of Reference
This is a Jointly chaired board with JF and PC, which oversees the organisational change activity across both organisations and considers future change activity. The Change Board will manage expectations and endorse business cases prior to them going before Exec Board. Purpose should also be to understand the baseline and benefits realisation.
Comments made on the Terms of Reference are as follows: · 2nd bullet point, “To undertake early consideration of all new change proposals, including National programmes against strategic priorities (Police and Crime Plan, Operational and Service Plans) and the commissioning of further development work” reference to external factors, i.e. HMICFRS, need to be taken in to consideration · Matters arising from an Audit, if change required matter would go initially to a Risk Board but then would need to be referred to the Change Board · Attendance at the Board, SD is content that either MP or SD attend, depending on what activity is to be discussed. · JF to sit on this Board to bring Fire element to it. Need to embed the Fire Plan and future IRMP outcomes. · Wording of document to be updated to include NYFRS. · This document was discussed at NYP Heads of Function meeting. More work is required to help people “how we do it”. · For Governance, we need to work to end of May for delivery, but this must also include NYFRS.
Discussion took place around culture and skills and the need to upskill our Heads of Function to deliver transformational change.
Agreed that the T2020 Implementation Plan be brought back to Exec Board in six months’ time to understand what the effects of change have been and how people are working differently.
LWI would expect business benefit reviews take place at the end of each project. A report would then be submitted to Exec Board. Currently under T2020 the business benefits is missing.
Agreed actions: · JF from NYFRS to be included on list of attendees · Terms of Reference wording to be updated to reflect NYFRS attendance and input · Governance to be in place by end May 2019.
Action 960 raised |
961 | VR Exit Cap
This item was discussed during the T2020 Presentation Update.
962 | Change Pipeline
ME presented the Change Pipeline to the Group, Richard Jones, attended the meeting for this item.
The organisational change pipeline is in development to facilitate a single consolidated view of all change activity.
Current and planned activity has been presented to Heads of Function. There appear to be over ambitious timelines over a 12 month period.
Purpose of having a digital pipeline is to map out forthcoming and future projects and to focus on what resources will be required and when. This also needs to be linked to the People Board in order that HR know what resources are required in future years.
Budget process: Plans need to align to show what we are currently doing and what is forecast in the future.
Discussion took place regarding the amount of projects we are trying to do now rather than pushing some projects out to future years.
ME advised finance officers will sit on the Change Board. It is envisaged that in 12 months’ time, services will be provided to FRS through Enable. The changes that will be happening in FRS have not yet been factored in to a plan. AB confirmed this will provide an opportunity to share change plans and to see where there is overlap between both organisations. The FRS change plan over a six year period will include capacity to make the change.
Having one joined up view is advantageous and efficient. CHIRP is a key example, NYFRS going through but can share learning with NYP.
This approach will also fit in with procurement pipeline and can focus on strategic issues rather than the smaller things.
JP advised that some of the items in the Strategic Commercial Board Terms of Reference may fit better in the Change Board.
Other than resource issues, ME advised there should not be too many decisions required at Exec Board. Where priorities may differ between NYP, NYFRS, and PFCC, Exec Board would then agree which priority is given.
962 | Principle Risk Register | ||
It was agreed that PC will now pick this matter up with SD and JF outside of this meeting. This can now come off the action log.
963 | Transform 2020 | ||
No further matters were raised following RB’s full and comprehensive presentation to the Group.
964 | Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note | ||
Decision-Making Forecast Status Update
This purpose of this action is to be updated with future items. JW agreed to include finance items. List to then go back to ADB (Denise Brown, NYFRS) for her to circulate to Exec Board Members with a request that any additional items for their area be sent to her for inclusion on the list.
· AB queried where his 100 Day Report fitted in to this. Confirmation that the report will be published externally. · Pay policy Statement discussed previously has now been published. · JM and SC to discuss process outside this meeting and to include LWI and AB. Discuss further at the Chiefs meeting on Tuesday 7th May. Consider the use of a forward planner to understand when forthcoming decisions will be required.
Agreed actions: · JP to include finance items on the forecast and to then forward to ADB. · ADB to circulate list to Exec Board Members with a request that she be informed of any additional items from their business areas so they may also be included on the list.
New action raised against 964 | ||
Decision Notices Approved and in Progress list
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A | ||
965 | Matters relating to Public Accountability Meeting | ||
· It was reported that there will be a short presentation re: Kingfisher on lessons learned.
· LWi advised the HR chart in the papers is not user friendly to the public. This chart is to be reviewed and will be more public facing in future months. · WN is in the process of drafting the thematics for the end of the year and will circulate to all once confirmed.
Agreed actions: · LWI to review HR chart in the PAM papers and to make it more public facing in future months. · WN to circulate the thematics for the PAM meetings to the end of the year once agreed.
New action raised against 965 | ||
966 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | ||
· HMICFRS inspection is imminent. Discovery week took place mid-April. Strategic presentation is on 15th May with inspection week taking place w/c 3rd June.
· JM advised she is meeting with HMI Phil Gormley on 1st May to discuss FRS as she is unable to meet on 15th May as originally planned. · Strategic response to fraud: LWI / PC to forward summary to JM.
Agreed actions: · LWI / PW to forward strategic response summary to JM.
New actions raised against 966 | ||
967 | Forthcoming Events or Communications | ||
· Events Log: This to now include NYP own events in order that an understanding of what is happening and when is more visible.
· T2020 Phase 2: This could include a staff officer admin support role which would be related to events. LWI to speak with Leanne to discuss this possible role and how to include it within the structure.
Agreed actions: · Events log to include NYP own events · LWI to speak with Leanne to discuss possible admin support role connected to awards and events.
New actions raised against 967 | ||
968 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception | ||
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A. | ||
969 | Any Other Business (AOB) | ||
· Tom Thorpe has returned from his travels and is returning to work on 1st May. JF agreed to spend time with him to update him on where FRS currently are.
· 1st May FRS will come under Enable. Two briefings have been arranged with staff. NYP to put a communication out to their staff via the intranet. FRS confirmed a newsletter is being sent to all their staff.
970 | Date & Time of Next Meeting | ||
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30 on Tuesday 28th May in the Forge Meeting Room (ground floor), North Yorkshire Police Headquarters.