Commissioner supports ‘fighting for communities’ boxing project

The ‘Fighting for Communities’ boxing project is bringing together North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council, the York Knights Foundation and the North Yorkshire Youth Justice Service to support those affected by child sexual exploitation and help divert those involved in anti-social behaviour and crime away from further offences.
England Boxing and Police Community Clubs of Great Britain run the Boxing Leaders course which has inspired the project which will now deliver non-contact boxing activities in schools and community spaces across York and North Yorkshire over the next 18 months.
PC Ryan Innes of York’s Neighbourhood Policing Team is leading the project:
“North Yorkshire Police is committed to helping young people stay out of the criminal justice system by looking at ways we can use early intervention to break down barriers and offer them different experiences and by introducing positive role models into their lives.
“This is a unique project bringing together volunteers from many different partners, and we hope this will support young people, and by doing so, help protect the communities where they live.”
Commissioner Zoë said:
“We know that anti-social behaviour and what is sometimes described as low-level crime is anything but low-level for those communities who have to deal with its impact. It is so important we support and encourage those young people at risk of falling into a spiral of offences to take a different path.
“The ‘Fighting for Communities’ boxing project is one which I know has taken a huge amount of work and it is exactly the sort of scheme I think we should see more of which is why I felt it was important to support its roll-out.
“I look forward to hearing about its progress, and I know it will help people be safe and feel safe across North Yorkshire and York.”
Anyone interested in finding out more can contact PC Ryan Innes at [email protected]