Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

20 May, 2022

Have Your Say: Tell us what you think of 101 and 999 services

Residents of North Yorkshire and York are being asked to take a few minutes to tell police chiefs about their experiences of the 101 and 999 services, as well as preferences for future modes of contact.

The Police Contact Survey opened on Wednesday 18 May and runs until midnight on Sunday, 26 June.

Click here to take part >>

Participants are being asked a series of questions testing their understanding of emergency and non-emergency reporting systems, as well as newly emerging ways of contacting the police, like web chat, online forms and messaging over social media.

The survey, run by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, will help inform police forces, the Home Office and local Commissioners on any challenges around reporting to the police and assist in forming plans for the future.

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe said:

“Reporting to 101 and 999 remains a challenging area of business for police forces across the country. The needs of those making contact must be understood, and we must prioritise those most in need.

“In North Yorkshire and York we must be as accessible as possible, so that people can contact and report crime and incidents to us in a way and at a time that suits the public, which is highlighted in my recently launched Police and Crime Plan.

“I have expressed my concerns to the Chief Constable regarding poor call handling times.  The Chief Constable and I are committed to significantly improving the customer contact experience and call handling times, and will monitor performance closely with the aim to improve the service as a priority.  This will also include the call-waiting times for the non-emergency 101 service.”

Commissioner Zoë will spotlight North Yorkshire’s Force Control Room performance in her next Public Accountability Meeting on Tuesday 24th May, asking the Chief Officer for improvements to be made in the call handling times of both 999 and 101, with details on what has been and what will be delivered, and by when.

Members of the public can submit their questions in advance of the meeting via email to  [email protected] and are asked to include their name and address. Alternatively, the public can ask a question during the meeting using Twitter, by including #NYscrutiny in their tweet, follow the Commissioner at @northyorkspfcc.

Full details of the Public Accountability meetings are on our website: