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3 November, 2016

HMIC rates North Yorkshire Police ‘good’ for efficiency

North Yorkshire Police has been recognised as ‘good’ by an independent police watchdog in an assessment of how ‘efficient’ the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime.

The rating has been given by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), following their annual inspection of police force efficiency.

In response to the HMIC’s PEEL report today, North Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan said:

“Once again HMIC has rated North Yorkshire Police as ‘good’ at keeping people safe and reducing crime, and this is a clear indication that local residents can be confident that their force is well run and delivers good value for money.

“I would like to thank both officers and staff for their dedication in providing such a great service.

“The fact that we have been able to boost officer numbers while planning to deliver significant savings is a tribute to the good management we have here.

“But while I welcome this latest report from the HMIC, I want to make sure North Yorkshire Police keeps its stable financial footing.  Given that, I will continue my campaign to make sure rural police forces like ours get a fair settlement from the Government, reflecting the unique challenges and costs of policing such a large and, in places, sparsely populated area.

“Most importantly though, I want to make sure North Yorkshire Police is delivering the right services for the people of North Yorkshire.  I would like to hear your views on what it takes for you, your families and communities to be safe and feel safe and would ask you to complete a survey I’m running at telljulia.com. Your feedback will help me shape the new Police and Crime Plan which sets the future direction for policing for the next four years.”

Find out more

PEEL: police efficiency 2016 – North Yorkshire Police