Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

15 December, 2020

Joint statement from North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable & North Yorkshire Chief Fire Officer on local government arrangements

There is currently an active debate about the future local government arrangements for North Yorkshire and York. However, there has been disappointing and incorrect representing of our positions – and it is therefore only right and fair that we have the opportunity to clearly set out our position.

We lead two of the emergency services which operate across North Yorkshire and the city of York – and work best when we work together across that area. The strength of this approach has been demonstrated throughout this year in our collaborative response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The ultimate decision about which model we may operate under in the future is not for us to take – this is a political decision. Our ongoing priority, whatever the outcome of the current debate, is to continue keeping the residents, businesses and visitors in North Yorkshire and York safe.