Notice of the completion of the audit and of electors’ rights in relation to the statement of accounts

Notice of the completion of the audit and of electors’ rights in relation to the statement of accounts of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire for the Financial Year ended 31 March 2016
The audit of the financial statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016 was completed on 28 September 2016.
Section 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (‘the Act’) provides local government electors with the right to inspect and make copies of:
- the statement of accounts
- the auditors certificate that the audit of the accounts has been completed; and
- the auditors opinion on the accounts
Any interested local government elector for North Yorkshire may request a copy of the audited statement of accounts (which include the audit opinion) and the auditors’ certificate for the financial year ended 31 March 2016. A reasonable charge may be made for providing copies.
Alternatively the documents may be viewed online:
- Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and Group Statement of Accounts 2015-2016 – published 29 September 2016
- Chief Constable’s Accounts 2015-2016 – published 29 September 2016
- Notice of certification of completion of the audit and the auditor’s report on Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire’s financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016
- Notice of certification of completion of the audit and the auditor’s report on Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police’s financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016
- The auditors opinion on the accounts appears on pages 96 & 97 of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Statement of accounts
- The auditors opinion on the accounts appears on pages 57 & 58 of the Chief Constable’s Statement of accounts
or inspected by appointment during the hours of 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske.
Please apply to Jane Palmer, Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer at
Police Headquarters
Newby Wiske
North Yorkshire
for copies or to make an appointment to visit.
29 September 2016