Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

24 November, 2023

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner producing a digital advent calendar this Christmas

Over the next 25 days, the OPFCC will be sharing content and resources to help raise awareness of the plight of vulnerable communities this Christmas, as well as heart-warming stories and advice on how to have a happy holiday!

Christmas s a time for giving, family, love and community, but not everyone has the privilege of enjoying parts of it that many of us take for granted. The winter holiday season can be a lonely, stressful, painful time for many.

The OPFCC are dedicated in supporting residents of North Yorkshire, informing them of our range of commissioned services and grants which our community can access.

Our website will be hosting a digital advent calendar, with each day being dedicated to talking about vulnerable members of our society, and how we can support each other, including:

  • How can we support those children left feeling excluded in School because all their peers are taking part in Christmas activities that they cannot?
  • What about the homeless who don’t have a roof over their head or a family to spend the day with?
  • How can we bring light to Children in care who may wonder why they weren’t visited by Father Christmas?
  • Financial advice and guidance to assist those who can find the festive period difficult.
  • Is it someone’s first Christmas without a loved one?

We will also be sharing lots of good news stories and positive ways that people across North Yorkshire can have the best Christmas possible, including gift ideas!

Members of the public can sign up to our Newsletter to make sure they don’t miss a door, or can follow our social media channels from 1st-25th December