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Posters, Letters, TV coverage, Links & More

Poster with image of Leah - Leah was 15 when she lost her life in a car park after taking two ‘MDMA bombs’. Leah’s mum Kerry and Commissioner Zoë are asking parents to have early and positive conversations with their children about drugs and other substances to help prevent them from coming to harm.

Commissioner Zoë's and Kerry's letter to parents

October 2022

Dear parents, guardians and care givers

NotMyChild Campaign – conversations to have at home that could help to protect your child 

My name is Zoë and I am your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and I am also a mother, and it is in both of these roles that I write to you today.

This year I have been working with Kerry Roberts, a local mother from Northallerton. If you are not familiar with Kerry’s story, in 2019 her 15 year-old daughter Leah lost her life after taking two ‘MDMA bombs’ (a powder form of Ecstasy), whilst she was out socialising with a group of friends.

Together, and with exceptional courage on Kerry’s part, we and others have created a campaign called NotMyChild which we hope will encourage parents, guardians and caregivers, to talk with their teenage children about drugs.

The campaign provides practical information to support those conversations, as well as giving advice about where parents, guardians and care givers, as well as young people, can find help and support should it be needed.

Leah’s death was an appalling tragedy, but both Kerry and I hope that our campaign might inspire positive and practical conversations amongst families, and ultimately prevent harm before it happens.

Please take a small amount of time to view our campaign at www.notmychild.info where you will find five conversations you should start with your teens.

If you feel that it is something you would like to share with other parents, guardians and care givers that you know using your own social media accounts, you may wish to use the short films we have created at  www.northyorkshire-pfcc.gov.uk/notmychild/kerrys-story/ and #NotMyChild.

Thank you.

Zoë Metcalfe 
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and York 

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Commissioner Zoë's letter to Head Teachers

October 2022

Dear Head Teacher

I have been working with Kerry Roberts, a local mother from Northallerton, who tragically lost her 15 year-old daughter Leah in 2019.

Together, and with exceptional courage on Kerry’s part, we and others have created the NotMyChild campaign which aims to inspire a positive conversation between parents, guardians and caregivers, and their teens, about the risks associated with drugs.

I would like to share our message with families throughout North Yorkshire and the City of York and would very much appreciate your help with this.

As a Head Teacher, you can view the campaign at www.notmychild.info and if you feel that it is something you would like to share with parents, guardians and care givers using your school’s social media accounts, you

you may wish to use the short films we have created at  www.northyorkshire-pfcc.gov.uk/notmychild/kerrys-story/ and #NotMyChild.

If you would like to support this campaign further, you can make available to all your pupils’ caregivers, my letter which is attached. You can also download a copy of my letter from www.notmychild.info.

Further information about Kerry’s story, the conversations we would encourage based on her experience, and information about help and advice available, can also be viewed at www.northyorkshire-pfcc.gov.uk/notmychild/resources-notmychild/.

Thank you.

Zoë Metcalfe 
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and York 

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Resources to help promote #NotMyChild campaign

Suggested social media messages:

@PFCCZoeMetcalfe and Leah’s mum Kerry, are encouraging parents, to have early and positive conversations with their children about drugs and alcohol to help prevent them from coming to harm.
Find out how to kick start your conversation at www.notmychild.info

#NotMyChild campaign encourages parents/guardians to have positive conversations with their teens around drug use. Full details www.notmychild.info

Leah’s mum Kerry and @PFCCZoeMetcalfe highlight five positive conversations they want parents to have with their teens about drugs and alcohol to help prevent them from coming to harm.
Find out how to kick start your conversation at www.notmychild.info

Leah was 15 when she lost her life in a car park after taking two ‘MDMA bombs’.
Leah’s mum Kerry and @PFCCZoeMetcalfe are asking parents to have early and positive conversations with their teens to help prevent them from coming to harm. www.notmychild.info
Important conversation #5 to have with your teens on drugs and alcohol.
BE AWARE that your child may find themselves in circumstances where someone becomes ill or dangerously unwell through a substance they may have taken. #NotMyChild
Image of Leah - Social media - Leah was 15 when she lost her life in a car park after taking two ‘MDMA bombs’. Leah’s mum Kerry and Commissioner Zoë are asking parents to have early and positive conversations with their children about drugs and other substances to help prevent them from coming to harm.

Image of Leah Image of Leah with www.notmychild.info

Link to video NotMyChild – Kerry’s story: https://youtu.be/lg_C1QlzjsM


TV News coverage

BBC Look North 19 October 2022

ITV Tyne Tees 19 October 2022

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