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Corporate Performance Delivery and Scrutiny Board – 23 November 2015

Questions from the public

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

Questions received in advance of the meeting:

  • John D Bullock, Harrogate – Police vehicles

Question from John D Bullock

When funds are so tight and police numbers are being cut, how is it possible to justify spending money on cars and buildings, whilst taking police off the streets?
Buildings and cars are an indulgence and a misuse of public funds. We have had a spate of new buildings of police stations, costing hundreds of millions.
There is ongoing expenditure on top of the range 4 wheel drive vehicles which is an obscene indulgence.
Police cars are well maintained and should be made to last until the financial cuts are over.
As in France the police should have basic transport to reach incidents. Traffic vehicles and ARVs can be fast small Fords or similar, not £50k off roaders.
Big boys toys at public expense is difficult to comprehend.

Framework agreement for the purchase of police vehicles

Link to framework agreement: http://ccs-agreements.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/contracts/rm1070

Once the page loads click on documents tab to access the Framework agreement.

North Yorkshire Police currently purchase vehicle makes listed below via this Crown Commercial Service.

Category A – Peugeot
Turnkey general purpose patrol vehicle
Low performance small
Low performance medium
Low performance intermediate

Category B – BMW
High performance compact
High performance standard

Category C – BMW
High Performance 4X4

Category D – Ford
Non – high performance 4×4

Category E – Peugeot
Small van

Category F – Ford
Panel van up to 3500kg
Turnkey panel van up to 3500kg

Questions received during the meeting via Twitter #NYPscrutiny:

  • @GSwinburn Gwen Swinburn – various topics

tweets from @GSwinburn

@Gswinburn – Gwen Swinburn
abbreviations MEGA prob, first names not titles used-some speed issue-start minute section awful let’s discuss as confusion

Re – C/Supt Winward
@northyorkspcc nice clear female now –

#nypscrutiny hey @Julia_Mulligan re first contact follow up instead of March update-wd b nice 2 have seen time bound action plan attached?

#nypscrutiny can u confirm if @NYorksPolice pub mtng agendas are lodged in @YorkExplore ‘democracy corner’? @Julia_Mulligan @chrisdsteward

#nypscrutiny never heard of the stop hate line! How much r we paying for 13 calls in 6 mnths what is their SLA 2promote & pl find PLAN B


Meeting overview

This meeting will look at how the police are progressing with:

  • The Police and Crime Plan priority: Transforming the Organisation, including Financial and Business Planning, and
  • The six monthly review of Financial and Business Planning, and the 2016/17 and five year plan

Police and Crime Plan priority, Transforming the organisation

The focus will always be on the public.

To make sure the service the police provides continues to improve, we have a commitment to making internal processes as efficient and effective as possible. This means ensuring that the service provides good value for money, minimising duplication and waste and focussing on continuous improvement.
Find out what has already been achieved under this priority in the Annual report


No. Time Item Purpose Lead
1 09:30 Attendance and apologies To note attendance and apologies PCC/CC
2 09:35 Minutes of previous meeting a)  To discuss and agree the draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th October 2015. ALL
3 09:40 Forward Planner To discuss proposed thematic items for future meetings ALL
4 09:45 Questions from the public To address questions raised by the public in relation to the agenda PCC/CC
5 09:50 Thematic
Priority 5: Transforming the Organisation, including Financial / Business Planning
Monthly Substantive Item: Priority 5 (Transforming the Organisation)
To provide a detailed performance update for scrutiny
ACC Kennedy
6 10:10 Performance / Outcome Updates (including update for Priority 2 – Cut Crime and Anti Social Behaviour) Monthly Substantive Item: To scrutinise the current performance levels including trends and any actions arising
(Note: Operational readiness is not reported this month and will be reported next month.)
7 10:20 First Contact Review (101) Will Naylor
8 10:40 Hate Crime Update Report C/I Nick Hunter attending to provide an update DCC Madgwick
9 10:55 CSE (Including update for Priority 1 – Protect Vulnerable People) Verbal update to be provided on work ongoing to assess a series of reports including the College of Policing Peer Review, HMIC Vulnerability report, and CSE Action Plan ACC Kennedy / Supt Costello
10 11:15 Priority Delivery Strands To provide performance updates against each priority delivery strand on a month by month basis including any exceptions ALL
10b Priority 3 – Prevention and Early Intervention No exceptions to report this month Supt Anderson & Jenni Newberry
10c Priority 4 – Improve Victim Care No exceptions to report this month Leanne McConnell and Jenni Newberry
10d Priority 5 – Transforming the Organisation (a) Collaborative Services
(b) Local Policing Model
(c) Enabling Services (Estates and Information Technology)
T/ACC Ken McIntosh & Maria Earles
10e Priority 6 – People First T/ACC McIntosh
R Holmes &
L Wood
10f Priority 7 – Partnerships and Commissioning No exceptions to report this month Supt  Anderson & Jenni Newberry
10g Priority 8 – Affordability Maria Earles
11 11:20 Questions on Twitter CC/PCC
12 11:25 Any other business ALL
13 11:30 Date of Next Meeting 22nd December 2015 at 13:30hrs at West Offices
14 12:30 Meeting part 2 To deal with matters of a restricted nature CC/PCC

