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Public accountability meeting – 26 January 2021

Meeting overview

This month’s meeting focuses on:

  • North Yorkshire Police – Offender Management
    An insight into North Yorkshire Police’s approach to assessing and managing the risk of the most persistent and dangerous offenders in our community
  • North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Response and Control
    An insight into North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s approach to call handling and response times to incidents.

Ask your question on this month’s hot topics

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to info@northyorkshire-pfcc.gov.uk before the day of the meeting. Please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
  • Not all questions may be able to be used, but they will inform the Commissioner’s questioning and the general discussion.


  • Chair – Julia Mulligan – North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • Lisa Winward – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
  • Andrew Brodie – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service


  • Thomas Thorp – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer
  • Caroline Blackburn – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer


Offender Management presentation:

  • Allan Harder – Detective Superintendent Safeguarding

Performance update:

  • Annette Anderson – Assistant Chief Constable


Response and Control presentation:

  •  Jon Foster – Deputy Chief Fire Officer
  • Jonathan Dyson – Area Manager, Director of Assurance
  • Helen Cullen – Temporary Watch Manager, Control

Performance update:

  • Jon Foster – Deputy Chief Fire Officer


No Time Item Lead
1 13:30 Attendance and introductions Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
2 13:32 Minutes of previous meeting and Actions All
3 13:35 Public questions Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
4 13:40 Offender Management Police
5 14:25 Performance update Police
6 14:45 Response and Control Fire
7 15:30 Performance update Fire
8 15:50 Public questions -none Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
9 15:55 Any other business All
10 16:00 Next meeting 23 February  2021

Meeting papers

Public questions

  • 101 call answer time.
    It can take up to 30 minutes to report an incident – Please put more manpower onto this service if you wish Crime to be reported.
    David Brotherton, York

  • May I ask a question re the above, having a son who been an offender.
    What chance do these people have of rehabilitation when almost every time he goes about his business he is stopped and questioned by the police, stopped in his car, for no reason, visits to his house, he accepts his past but it’s difficult to move forward when he faces constant interest from police, on all occasions nothing goes further but he is told “what do you expect with your past”
    Thank you, Andy

  • Meeting Paper 5: Performance Report – Police
    1. Slide 3: There has been a dip in Mental Health related incidents this month. This is counterintuitive to the trends experienced in lockdowns or the wider covid period. Therefore there must be issues with either the reporting of mental health related incidents or the recording of mental health related incidents. Which is it and what is being done to address this?

2. Slide 12: Covid 19 related lockdowns and working from home is leading to a crisis in ASB increases. This could be because of families living and working in overcrowded conditions, lack of pubs leading to drinking at home and other issues. How accurate are the recording of ASB and are any of these incidents actually incidents far worse, such as domestic violence

Meeting Paper 6 and 7: Control and Response Presentation and Performance Report- Fire
1. In both the fire plan of the commissioner and in these presentations there are no targets. Why are there no targets being set to judge performance against?
Alison Hume

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