We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Public accountability meeting – April 2019

Who is speaking now? Use this photo sheet to help you identify who is talking and what their role is.

Meeting overview

This month’s meeting focuses on:

Fire – National resilience and major incident preparedness
Police – Female offenders

Ask a question

The full procedure for asking questions at this meeting is available here: Procedure for public questions

  • To ask a question in advance 
    Send your question to info@northyorkshire-pfcc.gov.uk before midday on Friday 26 April, please include your name and address with your question.
  • To ask a question during the meeting using Twitter
    To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny


No. Time Item Purpose Lead
1 13:30 Attendance and apologies To note attendance and apologies: Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner
2 13:32 Minutes of previous meeting & Actions To discuss and agree the draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 March 2019 and to discuss the action log. All
3 13:37 Questions from the public To address questions raised by the public in advance in relation to the agenda. Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
4 13:40 NYFRS Thematic: Monthly substantive Item: Group Manager, Response & Resilience Phil Whild
National Resilience & Major Incident preparedness
5 14:15 NYP Thematic: Monthly Substantive Item: Head of Criminal Justice, Leanne McConnell
Female Offenders
6 14:55 Operation Kingfisher Brief summary of the operation at Kirby Misperton fracking site. ACC Amanda Oliver
7 15:05 Performance / Outcome Updates Performance and outcome updates
7a North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service DCFO Jon Foster
7b North Yorkshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Cain
8 15:35 Questions on Twitter To address questions raised by the public in relation to the agenda. All
9 15:45 Any other business All
10 15:55 Date of next meeting 28 May 2019 at 13:30hrs, Alverton Court, NYP HQ

Meeting papers