Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Online Public Meeting – 18 July 2024 – NYP – Hidden Crime

The focus of this month’s meeting

2pm -3:30pm – North Yorkshire Police – Hidden Crime 

This meeting will focus on:

  • A look at the latest performance data in areas of public interest and a report on complaints made against North Yorkshire Police.
  • An in-depth discussion on a key theme of public concern identified in line with the police priorities.
  • An opportunity for the OPFCC to raise issues that matter to the public for discussion with Chief Officers.
  • An update on the progress made against the latest independent inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services to provide the OPFCC and the public with evidence of improvements.
  • A dedicated question and answer time for the OPFCC to ask the Chief and senior leadership team the questions submitted by members of the public.


  • Jo Coles – Deputy Mayor of York and North Yorkshire Policing, Fire and Crime
  • Simon Dennis  – Corporate Director of Office for Police, Fire, Crime and Commissioning
  • Jenni Newberry – Director of Commissioning and Partnerships, OPFCC
  • Mark Ayres– Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC
  • Tamara Pattinson – Director of Delivery and Assurance, OPFCC
  • Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police
  • Ian Scott – Chief Superintendent Safeguarding, North Yorkshire Police
  • Graeme Wright – Detective Superintendent, North Yorkshire Police
  • John Mackfall – Unison Branch Secretary


  • Performance Update – Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable
  • Thematic presentation – Ian Scott – Chief Superintendent Safeguarding & Graeme Wright – Detective Superintendent
  • Spotlight Questions  – Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable
  • Inspection Update –  Scott Bisset – Deputy Chief Constable


Time Item
14:00 Introductions
Minutes of previous meetings
14:05 Performance update
14:30 Main presentation
15:00 Spotlight questions
15:10 HMICFRS Inspection Update
15:20 Public questions
15:30 Meeting ends

Meeting papers

Public questions

To ask your question

  • Complete our online form
  • To ask a question during the live broadcast, post your question on Twitter using #NYscrutiny
Which service do you want to answer your question?(Required)
