Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board

Terms of reference


A strategic governance forum which gives direction and makes decisions on matters of significant public interest[1], within police, fire and crime through which the Deputy Mayor drives and monitors the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan and the Fire and Rescue Plan.

Standard agenda

  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Action Log
  3. North Yorkshire Police (must specify which part of the Police and Crime Plan each area reported upon raised relates to)
    1. Current and significant issues emerging (please share information on key issues identified which hinder the delivery of any part of the Police and Crime plan that the Deputy Mayor should be aware of)
    2. For information and discussion (This will be areas that you wish to raise with the Deputy Mayor or items that you wish to discuss with the Deputy Mayor but not necessarily require a decision)
    3. Decisions required. (include detail of the decision making process to this point – where has this been before being presented to the Deputy Mayor ?)
    4. Third party reports section. Including update on HMICFRS progress against actions. (include updates from other internal and external audits)
  4. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (must specify which part of RRM and the Fire and Rescue Plan each area reported on relates to)
    1. Current and significant issues emerging (please share information on key issues identified which hinder the delivery of any part of the Fire and Rescue plan that the Deputy Mayor should be aware of)
    2. For information and discussion (This will be areas that you wish to raise with the  Deputy Mayor or items that you wish to discuss with the Deputy Mayor but not necessarily require a decision)
    3. Decisions required. (include detail of the decision making process to this point – where has this been before being presented to the Deputy Mayor?)
    4. Third party reports section. Including update on HMICFRS progress against actions. (include updates from other internal and external audits)
  5. Enable (must specify which part of the Police and Crime plan or Fire and Rescue Plan each area raised impacts upon)
    1. Current and significant issues emerging (please share information on key issues identified which hinder the delivery of any part of either plan that the Deputy Mayor should be aware of)
    2. For information and discussion (This will be areas that you wish to raise with the  Deputy Mayor or items that you wish to discuss with the Deputy Mayor but not necessarily require a decision)
    3. Decisions required.
  6. Legal services
    1. Updates
    2. Collaboration agreements
  7. Finance
    1. Updates
  8. Office for Policing, Fire, Crime and Commissioning (OPFCC)
    1. Commissioning and partnerships
    2. OPFCC updates
    3. Devolution
  9. Risks
    1. NYP
    2. NYFRS
    3. Enable
    4. OPFCC

Reports required

  • Minutes/decisions and actions log of COT and SLT.
  • HMICFRS Update report.
  • Any other reports in line with the terms of reference.


  • Deputy Mayor (Chair)
  • Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police
  • Deputy Chief Constable
  • Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
  • Deputy Chief Fire Officer
  • Assistant Chief Officer, Enable NY
  • Chief Executive Officer and Monitoring Officer of York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority
  • North Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Section 73 Officer
  • North Yorkshire Combined Authority Monitoring Officer
  • Legal Services Representative
  • Communications and engagement team representative
  • OPFCC’s Chief Finance Officer
  • Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
  • Director of Delivery and Assurance (OPFCC)
  • Director of Public Confidence (OPFCC)
  • Director of Commissioning & Partnerships (OPFCC)

Terms of reference:

  1. Ensure that the strategic direction and objectives of the services are set in-line with and are supportive of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan.
  2. To give direction and make decisions on matters of significant public interest, with to achieve the outcomes of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue.
  3. To receive notification of decisions made by delegates under the Scheme of Delegation[2]
  4. Ensure that North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service and OPFCC are operating within agreed budget allocations and ensuring value for money.
  5. Consider North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service and OPFCC strategic risks and ensure that appropriate actions are being taken to address them.
  6. Review and monitor progress against HMICFRS and other regulatory recommendations.
  7. Consider any public feedback received.


  • Held monthly, usually the last Tuesday of the month (except December)
  • In exceptional circumstances closed items may be withheld from publication. Closed items shall be those matters which in the opinion of the meeting are either
    • Exempt from publication within the meaning of Regulation 2(2) Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011; or
    • Subject to legal professional privilege; or
    • Subject to a duty of confidence at law; or
    • Fall within a description of any other matter in respect of which a local authority could pass a resolution to exclude members of the public from a meeting
  • Papers are to be supplied to the nominated SPOC within the OPFCC by a deadline set by the SPOC, by 4pm on the Tuesday before every meeting.
  • Papers may be in any reasonable and accessible format suitable for the subject matter.
  • Business Cases or documents seeking significant investment from the Deputy Mayor, must be the subject of a pre-briefing to the Deputy Mayor, unless explicit agreement is obtained to the contrary from the Deputy Mayor or Chief Executive Officer and Monitoring Officer of York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.
  • There will be an assumption that all those attending the meeting will have read all documentation which is circulated in advance of a meeting, provided reasonable notice has been given.
  • Verbal updates should be delivered at a strategic level and by exception only.
  • Attendees must ensure that all updates reference the section of the police and crime plan or fire and rescue plan to which they relate.

How details of the meeting will be recorded and published.

The meeting will be documented, and this will be published on the OPFCC website.

[1] The Memorandum of Understanding between the Deputy Mayor and the Chief Constable dated 1 April 2014 defines the expression ‘Significant Public Interest’ as follows: The Deputy Mayor, Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer trust and rely upon senior officers and staff to exercise their thinking by reference to experience, instinct and good judgement. The following guidance has been provided for consideration (although this list is not exhaustive) when deciding if a decision is of ‘significant public interest’: Matters which are important to achieving the aims and objectives set out in the Police & Crime Plan or Fire and Rescue Plan; and/or matters which present high risk(s) in achieving the Police & Crime Plan objective(s); and/or matters which involve; Investment, Income other than cost recovery, Innovation. Matters which are likely to impact on public confidence in North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, the Deputy Mayor, or the police or fire service in general; and/or Matters which involve a point of law of public importance or of importance to the police or fire service as a whole; and/or Matters which are reasonably considered to be ones which the public would expect to see published Decision Notices in the interests of public accountability.

[2] The Codes of Corporate Governance sets out the following key operating principle in respect of decisions by delegates. PFCC Code of Corporate Governance; The Deputy Mayor, Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer expect anyone exercising delegated powers or consents under this scheme to draw to the attention of the Office for Policing, Fire and Crime and/or Chief Constable/Chief Fire Officer as appropriate any issue which is likely to be regarded by the Deputy Mayor and/or Chief Constable/Chief Fire Officer as novel, contentious or repercussive before exercising such powers. PCCFRA Code of Corporate Governance; The Deputy Mayor expects anyone proposing to exercise a delegation or an authorisation under this Scheme to draw to the attention of the Deputy Mayor any issue which is likely to be regarded by the Deputy Mayor as unique, exceptional, contentious, repercussive or likely to be politically sensitive before exercising such powers. In assessing whether any issue is likely to fall within those descriptions, the public facing impact of such issues should be taken into account.

Business Cases or documents seeking significant investment from the Deputy Mayor, must be the subject of a pre-briefing to the Deputy Mayor, unless explicit agreement is obtained to the contrary from the Deputy Mayor or Chief Executive Officer and Monitoring Officer of York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.

These must also contain a cover sheet which sets out high level detail of the document. The template can be requested from the OPFCC.

Last Updated: 04.02.2025