Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Community Review Group

Community Review Groups (CRGs) are the first layer of scrutiny undertaken by the OPFCC in terms of Stop and Search and Use of Force.


The panel is primarily made up of members of the North Yorkshire community who volunteer their time to undertake reviews of randomly dip sampled cases relating to Stop and Search and Use of Force.

The panel is chaired by the OPFCC Customer Service Manager who is supported by the Senior Customer Service Advisor. In addition, a North Yorkshire police officer is in attendance as Special Point of Contact (SPOC), to answer where possible, questions raised by the CRG panel members.

The CRG panel review cases from across the North Yorkshire policing area and refer any cases for supplementary consideration by North Yorkshire Police / relevant scrutiny panel based on:

  • Good practice that should be disseminated
  • Concern that procedures have not been appropriately followed
  • Insufficient information or representation at CRG to form a view on one or more cases.

Terms of reference

Terms of reference - April 2023


  • Customer Service Manager (Chair) – OPFCC
  • Senior Customer Service Advisor (Deputy Chair) – OPFCC
  • Customer Service Assistant – OPFCC
  • Community Review Group (CRG) Volunteers
  • North Yorkshire Police Representation

The CRG Meeting will review cases from across the North Yorkshire policing area and refer any cases for supplementary consideration by North Yorkshire Police / relevant scrutiny panel based on:

  • Good practice that should be disseminated
  • Concern that procedures have not been appropriately followed
  • Insufficient information or representation at CRG to form a view on one or more cases.


How will we achieve the purpose?

  • A dip sample selection of at least 10 x ‘Stop and Search’ evaluations and 10 x ‘Use of Force’ will be selected and prepared by the OPFCC for presentation at the meeting with the support of NYP.
  • Attendees will openly scrutinise the samples presented, considering legislation and PACE principles.
  • Actions and / or feedback will be logged and progress against these monitored.
  • We will be professional. We will be honest, with open interactions respecting other participants input and views.
  • We will keep to time and remain focussed.


  • Meets quarterly (Hosted via Microsoft Teams)Sessions will be held on an evening to accommodate CRG Volunteer preference and availability
  • A minimum of 3 CRG volunteers will be required to facilitate each meeting, to ensure each session allows for impartial debate.
  • There will be an expectation that the ‘Confidentiality Agreement’ has been read and accepted prior to the meeting, with recorded acceptance taking place during the session.
  • Attendance at Annual Volunteer Conference (to include training, updates on legislation / best practice and facilitated sessions by subject matter experts)
  • A summary of the session feedback and any associated actions will be recorded by the OPFCC Chair and formally managed via the OPFCC Assurance Framework.
  • Professionalism – The Chair will ensure that sessions encourage open dialogue and discussion on case samples reviewed by participants in a safe environment.


  1. Welcome
  2. Session Induction
  3. Confidentiality Agreement (Recorded)
  4. Stop & Search Evaluations
  5. Use of Force Evaluations
  6. Summary of Session Feedback / Action Log

Meeting dates


  • 4 October


  • 24 January
  • 8 May
  • 14 August
  • 13 November

Role description for members

Contact Information