Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Stop and Search/Use of Force Scrutiny Panel


The Stop and Search/Use of Force Scrutiny Panel is the second layer of scrutiny undertaken by the OPFCC at strategic level in terms of Stop and Search and Use of Force. This panel is chaired by an independent Chair who plays a key role in supporting the Police and Crime Commissioner to build public trust and confidence in the Stop and Search/Use of Force procedures by North Yorkshire Police, and to hold them to account for their performance.

The Stop and Search Scrutiny Panel is not a decision-making body in terms of case outcomes or policy and procedure, but can make recommendations for consideration on future policy, procedure and practice.

Terms of reference


Item Lead
1.       Introduction/Welcome

a.       Apologies

b.       Confidentially Agreement




2.       Approval of Previous Minutes Chair
3.       Action Log Review

a.       Review feedback from cases with feedback for NYP

4.       Themed Update/Training All
5.       Themed Update/Training All
6.       Review of Cases – Stop and Search

Including X case(s) escalated from CRG [Date]

7.       Review of Cases – Use of Force

Including X case(s) escalated from CRG [Date]

8.       Review of the Progress Tracker

a.       Does the panel overall feel happy with the cases from this meeting?

b.       Can any conclusions be drawn?

c.       Are previous comments better, worse or the same in this meeting?

9.       AOB Chair
10.   Date & Time of Next Meeting OPFCC Admin

Meeting dates


  • 18 October


  • 7 February
  • 22 May
  • 28 August
  • 27 November

Contact Information