We're now part of the York & North Yorkshire Combined Authority

Current Resources

How resources are currently deployed

This map shows how our resources are currently deployed.


We employ just over 700 staff;

  • 313 full-time firefighters,
  • 322 On-call firefighters,
  • 20 control room staff and
  • 91 support staff.

Response resource

We have 38 fire stations and use a range of duty systems to crew our 46 fire engines as follows (see map for location of the fire engines):

Yellow – full time-shift fire engine

5 full-time shift fire engines – crewed 24-hours a day by full-time firefighters

Blue – full-time day crewed, pager at night fire engine

7 full-time day crewed fire engines – crewed between 08:00-18:00 every day by full-time firefighters. Outside of these hours they carry an alerter and respond from home.

Green – On-call crewed, on pager fire engine

24 On-call fire engines – crewed by On-call firefighters who carry an alerter and respond from their home or place of work.

2 fire engines are crewed by volunteers.

Types of fire engine

Our 46 fire engines are made up of different types; Emergency Rescue fire engines, 4×4 Emergency Rescue fire engines, and Light Rescue fire engines (which can also be used as Tactical Response fire engines when only crewed by 3 firefighters and which respond to a more limited range of emergencies).

We also have a range of specialist vehicles and capabilities such as aerial ladder platforms and water rescue teams strategically positioned across our Service area.

Prevention and Protection resources

Our full-time firefighters undertake general prevention and protection activity across our county. They are supported by specialist officers who provide guidance and expertise, and who also deal with our more complex cases.

We currently have 16 specialist protection officers and 16 specialists in our prevention department, including 8 Community Safety Officers and 4 Public Safety Officers.