Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Search decisions

Decision Notices

020/2013 – Contract for the provision of Business Office Supplies and Service – 05 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: NYP along with all other forces in ACPO Region No. 2 previously contracted with Lyreco Ltd for force wide Business Office Supplies and Service Solutions requirements via a framework contract agreed by North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC). The NYCC contract expired on 30th September 2012 and the Regional Procurement team sought […]

016/2013 – Seek approval to accept or decline offers for 2 Cravengate and 57 Newbiggin Richmond – 01 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: Seek approval to accept or decline offers for 2 Cravengate and 57 Newbiggin Richmond Executive Summary and recommendation: Offer 1: 2 Cravengate £120,000.00 – £125,000.00 57 Newbiggin £110,000.00 On the condition he would like both the properties and he would only complete once the deed of grants had been completed in […]

019/2013 – Detainee Transportation contract – 27 February 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: In 2010 North Yorkshire Police identified the need to provide additional operational support, on the East Coast, in order to support officers in delivering an effective service to the public. The additional need was seasonal principally as a result of additional tourists visiting the East Coast. The organisation considered a number […]

014/2013 – Budget and Precept – 08 February 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: Summary of information for 2013/14 The Police and Crime Commissioner (the Commissioner) is required to determine the council tax requirement for 2013/14, calculate the band D council tax and issue the precept to the Billing Authorities by 1 March. The Police Grant Settlement for 2013/14 reduced formula grant to local policing […]

013/2013 – Provision of safety camera enforcement equipment  – 06 February 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: Following NYPA approval on 24th September 2012 for additional Safety Camera Vans and supporting resources and equipment, a procurement process was undertaken for the lease of Safety Camera Enforcement Equipment. This Decision Making Notice seeks approval from the PCC to enter into a contract with Teletraffic for the lease of Safety […]

011/2013 – Precept Proposal 2013/14 – 29 January 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: The Commissioner is required under Schedule 5 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and associated regulations to notify the Police and Crime Panel of her proposed precept for 2013/14 by 1 February 2013. Throughout the budget planning and public consultation exercise, two options have been considered by the […]