Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Search decisions

Decision Notices

025/2013 – Progress Plans for a Northern Base – 20 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: Approval to progress an analysis of future needs in respect of a re-provision of the Northallerton Police Station and custody suite, together with the Headquarters (HQ) facility located at Newby Wiske, to a proposed new Northern Base facility. Executive Summary and recommendation: North Yorkshire Police (NYP) set out its strategy in […]

024/2013 – Front Counter Service Provision in Whitby – 12 March 2013

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Executive Summary and Recommendation: The force continually explore opportunities for shaping future service provision with partners. Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) approached NYP regarding the possibility of NYP surrendering our current Whitby Harbour Office which is adjoined to the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) in Whitby. This would be on the basis of discussions that have been […]

017/2013 – Extension to agreement, independent domestic and sexual violence advisors – 07 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: North Yorkshire Police, together with North Yorkshire County Council and the Safer York Partnership provide funds to maintain independent sexual and domestic violence advisor services for North Yorkshire and the City of York. The current framework of agreements is for 2012/13. The proposal is to extend the agreements to cover 2013/14. […]

022/2013 – Appointment of an Independent Member to the Joint Audit Committee – 6 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: n accordance with the statutory Code of Practice for Financial Management in the police service, Police and Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables must establish joint Audit Committees made up of persons independent of the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and the Police Service. The arrangements for the Joint Audit Committee […]

018/2013 – Provision of Safety Camera Back Office Solution – 05 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: Following NYPA approval on 24th September 2012 for additional Safety Camera Vans and supporting resources and equipment, a procurement process was undertaken for the Safety Camera Back Office Solution. This Decision Making Notice seeks approval from the PCC to enter into a contract with Star Traq Ltd for the provision of […]

015/2013 – Treasury Management – 05 March 2013

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Executive Summary and recommendation: Approval of the Treasury Policy Statement, Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Prudential and Treasury Indicators, Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy and Investment Strategy. In line with legislation and CIPFA best practice formal approval is needed in relation to the above Treasury Management documents. The strategies and information for consideration have been developed […]